About The Program

Preschool Bible Time at Laramie Christian Academy is a unique program focused on biblical teaching and training of preschoolers. We believe that every child is created uniquely by a loving Creator who loves them extravagantly and that all children, at every age are known by, and can personally know, their Creator.

We are devoted to:

  • Biblically sound teaching through age-appropriate learning tools and play

  • Fun, creative, teaching program expressed in song, dance, hand games, puppet shows, storytime, and play

  • Teaching and learning Bible verses, Bible stories, Bible character education, social skills, and preschool-aged academic material

  • Nurturing personal relationships with God in the child and the family

  • Creating an environment that celebrates individual differences while discovering we are all unique and special children of God

  • Development of Preschoolers in all areas (physical, social, cognitive, emotional, language, and creative development) to facilitate kindergarten readiness for those entering grade school the following fall

Preschool Bible Time is open during the school year, five days a week from 8:30 am until 3:30pm and is open to children ages 3 (and potty trained) to 6 years old (not yet in kindergarten). Flexible enrollment options for families enable enrollment for 1 to 5 days per week. We follow Laramie Christian Academy school year calendar aligning holidays and breaks accordingly.

Each week we will learn a Bible verse starting with our letter of the week. Each verse will have a short version and a longer version. Children can memorize whichever one matches their developmental ability For example “A” – “All have sinned (and fall short of the glory of God) “B” – “Believe in the Lord Jesus (and you will be saved)” “C” – “Children obey your parents (in the Lord for this is right).” By the end of the school year, 26 Bible verses have been planted in hearts and are available for a lifetime of help and encouragement.

Each morning we will read a Bible story, sing Bible songs, including memory verse songs.

Crafts and science lessons are related to either academic curriculum (letters, numbers, shapes, colors, etc.) or our Bible story.